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Mac. Ki. DoInterfaceuihistory. Apple and Xerox. History of the Graphical User Interface. There is an ongoing myth that Microsoft is justified in. Macs User Interface, because Apple had. Mac. UI from Xerox PARC Palo Alto Research. Center. Many go on to further say that Apple took the UI. ALTO or STAR. Of course the people that say this. Mac and an Alto or a Star, or they would. I want to point out that. NOT. justify the theft of another. If Apple did steal their UI. Xerox which they did not, that would not. Microsoft of the same crime that would only. Apple guilty of a crime as well. So using this as a. Microsofts theft from Apple is void. Need to replace the discontinued Microsoft Money personal finance software Here are the three options you can take, plus suggestions of alternatives. Learn how to create international language accent marks and diacriticals on a QUERTY keyboard layout. Change keyboards and alphabets to create special symbols. GaNLjqNomqQTfgmkG1QjIzL00s=/768x0/filters:no_upscale()/MS-Money-Import-Complete-56a2f08e5f9b58b7d0cfcf4f.png' alt='Replacement For Ms Money For Mac' title='Replacement For Ms Money For Mac' />Apple and Xerox. Apple did not rip off the Macs UI from Xerox. Apple had. hired some people from Xerox like Jef Raskin, Bruce Horn. Graphical User Interface. These concepts are pretty broad like making a computer. The. work on these concepts predates Xerox PARC in fact it was. PARC. So Xerox PARC brought them. Apples work on GUIs. Steve Jobs visit to Palo Alto Research Center. Apple had already had the same broad goals of offering an. Ms Money For Mac OsRemember the following. Icons were not new, we had been using them for years for. Menus were not new, text based menus. Graphics. werent new, though how much they were relied upon was. The concepts of User Interface Human Factors was. Jef Raskin had worked at Xerox, and he was tooting the. He brought some of those ideas from Xerox, but he had. TO Xerox as well. Later, he. convinced Jobs to visit Xerox PARC, and Jobs became an. What Jobs saw at Xerox was. Smalltalk development system. He did not see. either a working ALTO or Star which was developed much. Apple paid. Jobs was so hot on the concepts of UI, and the living. Demos he say, that he, later, negotiated a deal with Xerox. He gave Xerox a large sum of stock in Apple worth Millions. GUI. This was. like a one day tour. This was agreed to by Xerox, and so by. PARC was a research center meant to inspire. But they did not really develop products in. Saying that. Apple learning some of the base concepts and then applying. Air Bags are. ripping off Newton because Air Bags work because they. Sir. Isaac. A silly silly argument. Knowledge builds on. Xerox didnt see Apple as competition, that is. Apple, since Xerox. Apple was creating a product, and so they hired some of. Xerox, to be brought to Apple to. Mac and Lisa projects. Those researches state. Sabine Political Thought Pdf. Xerox and Apple. The following is an. Mac contributed to the concepts. UI The letters do seem to agree that the Macs UI was created. Apple, by Apple and for Apple. And that little if any. Xerox work was taken, and the Mac was in a completely. Some broad concepts were in common, but. Apple furthered those concepts, developed. The differences in UI between the Xerox UI and Apples. Mac were startlingly different. Years ago I saw a demo of a. Alto. From my memory which may not be flawless, it had a 3. There were. overlapping windows, but there was no direct manipulation of. To move the window you selected an option. Menu that you had for each window, and you. There were icons, but icons. They were using icons as verbs do this, or do. Apple made them into nouns, objects that each. There wasnt that. DOS. open at the same time. Contrast this with a Mac and you see. Apple went way way beyond what they saw. Xerox extended their developments over time as. After Apple was far. Lisa and Mac project, Xerox had the Star. The Star used many more Mac like concepts. But many were. parallel developed, and some was cross over but both. I also beleive the Mac is easier to use. Contrasts. Jobs kept beating on the Mac people that Real Artists. Ship and that they were making a product. That is not. anything like the research atmosphere at Xerox. The Mac was 1. 28k based personal computer, based on a. Motorola 6. 80. 00 processor the Mac. OS was designed around. Pascal with lots of assembly language for sizespeed. The Xerox machines were anything but personal computers. Mac did, they ran slower in real use, were far less. The Xerox Machines were built around Small. Talk a. very resource wasteful language, for the time, but dynamic. The two machine use completely different code and. The Mac and the Alto are about as related. Motorcycle and a Semi truck sure they both have. Note There is not a. Apple got from Xerox, nor could. Apple and Microsoft. Now what happened with Microsoft Well it starts out that Microsoft was one of the first. Application Developers for the Mac. Apple Jobs knew that. Mac needed Software. Jobs learned that Microsoft. Application market. Few remember that MS made languages. Then later stole OSs. DOS. And it wasnt until the Mac that they started. Applications. The Mac was Microsofts chance to. Application markets. Microsoft. had made a few feeble attempts before the Mac, but it was. Mac that made them successful in the application. They knew that a new computer meant new. Jobs showed Microsoft the early Mac prototypes. Gates. liked the ideas and agreed to write Mac applications. Gates later threatened to pull their apps at the last. Jobs agreed to A Apple had to license some of the Mac. UI for. MS Applications on the PC. This Application suite later. Windows. 1. 0 and Office. Remember, Windows started off as an. Application Suite, not an OS Shell 2. Because Apple had licensed some. Microsoft under coercion, it weakened. MS when MS started more. Mac. Contrary to popular. Apple lost their lawsuit against MS because. MS. B Apple had to drop their Mac. Basic project which was. MS Basic. Mac. Basic had many. MS ripped off to create Visual. Basic. What. few ideas for VB that MS didnt rip off from Mac. Basic. they got from Hyper. Card. which Bill Atkinson wrote because the Mac didnt have. MS had. dropped their basic for the Mac and had forced Mac. Basic. to canceled as well. Later MS decided that the GUI was just too cool not to. So they started on an Application Suite that would use. Macs concepts of Windows, a Mouse, and direct. This became Windows 1. Windows we know and hate today. The. lead programmer for the Windows project was the same guy who. Mac Application. projects. This sequence of events Microsoft borrowing the Mac. Microsoft took their best. Mac Programmer, and had him making almost every. He was told, by Bill. Gates, to make a PC look and work, JUST like a Mac. Gates Contrast that sequence. Apple and Xerox sequence of events, and you. Microsoft stole, Apple expanded. This similarity was of Windows to Mac. OS is not just in. API that are almost. Microsoft stole data structures. If it wasnt for the fact that. DOS, they likely. If you look at many of the. Windows routines you see names and structures that are. Mac. But MS is smart enough to avoid or. MS also had to make some design changes to get it. PC. But as far as real design work for Windows. Mac was a living design document. At first, MS only ripped off the design and. Apples look and feel. They knew that Apple would only tollerate so much theft. Later MS crossed this line as well, and Apple sued. It was. when they started to steal the desktop metaphor folders. Apple had enough. No matter what the. Microsoft ripped off the. Mac. Later post 1. Microsoft has started to put some money into R D, and. Up to this point, they. Conclusions. Apple did not rip off the Alto Xerox Parc how could. Apple was a product oriented company that produced a. That computer had a few similarities. Xerox was doing, but. NOTHING in common design or implementation. Business News and Financial News. Most stock quote data provided by BATS. Market indices are shown in real time, except for the DJIA, which is delayed. All times are ET. Disclaimer. Morningstar. Morningstar, Inc. All Rights Reserved. F4 Corporate And Business Law Pdf: Full Version Software. Factset Fact. Set Research Systems Inc. All rights reserved. Chicago Mercantile Association Certain market data is the property of Chicago Mercantile Exchange Inc. All rights reserved. Dow Jones The Dow Jones branded indices are proprietary to and are calculated. DJI Opco, a subsidiary of S P Dow Jones Indices LLC and have been licensed for use to. S P Opco, LLC and CNN. Standard Poors and S P are registered trademarks of Standard Poors. 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