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NoOneBeLikeYouPSquareWelcome to the Deadspin 25, a college football poll that strives to be more democratic and less useless than every other preseason poll. Leading up to the college. In the grand design of things you secure an A just for effort. Where you lost everybody ended up being on the details. You know, it is said, the devil is in the. If youre planning on moving to Korea, people will tell you amazing things about it. But there are things that no one tells you about living in Korea. And while it does sound like something the Wikileaks founder might say hes kind of a dick, its not actually from Julian Assange. That account only has 13,000. Well, after yall loved the Coachs last post, I talked him into doing another one. Enjoy I tried to explain that this was a one time deal the first time I. The Global Public Square is where you can make sense of the world every day with insights and explanations from CNNs Fareed Zakaria, leading journalists at TIME and. Know what you pay and get paid fast. Accept all major cards and get deposits as fast as the next business day. Connect a Square Reader to your device or slip an iPad. The astonishing triumph of Donald Trump can be traced to the bitter defeat of Occupy Wall Street, a pro democracy movement that transcended left and right, sparking unrest in hundreds of cities and rural towns in 2. Occupys consensus based encampments demanded that President Obama get money out of politics. Instead, we got mercilessly smashed by his progressive administration. Now the dark irony of history is bashing back. Trump an uber wealthy, partially self financed candidate who promises to drain the swamp was elected president just one week before the fifth anniversary of Mayor Bloombergs eviction of the Zuccotti Park encampment. President elect Trump, a charismatic strongman with an autocratic temperament, is not what millions of Occupiers were dreaming of when we took to the streets against the monied corruption of our democracy. We Have pBuzz Have you seen the new pBuzz horn Its a small plastic stadiumtype horn that can change size Like a trombone, but without a traditional slide, the. More importantly, there will be hang gliding, because as The Legend of Zelda the Breath of the Wild theres no more satisfying way to get from point A to point B. The match features two cages of steelreinforced bamboo actually aluminum painted to look like bamboo. An inner cage is the same size of the ring. Now, as the nation experiences a disturbing rise of hate crimes against the groups singled out by Trump during his campaign, protests descending into riots are rocking our cities. These visceral protests will undoubtedly continue into 2. Celebrated progressive Kshama Sawant, a socialist councilwoman in Seattle, has already called on people to disrupt Trumps inauguration in January. At the same time, despite the excitement of seeing militants marching in the cities, leftist activist networks are buzzing with the painful realization that contemporary protest is broken. The dominant tactic of getting people into the streets, rallying behind a single demand and raising awareness about an injustice simply does not result in the desired social change. Nominally democratic governments tolerate protest because elected representatives no longer feel compelled to heed protest. No One Be Like You P Square' title='No One Be Like You P Square' />The end of protest is not the absence of protest. The end of protest is the proliferation of ineffective protests that are more like a ritualized performance of children than a mature, revolutionary challenge to the status quo. Activists who rush into the streets tomorrow and repeat yesterdays tired tactics will not bring an end to Trump nor will they transfer sovereign power to the people. There are only two ways to achieve sovereignty in this world. Activists can win elections or win wars. There is no third option. Protest can play an important role in winning elections or winning wars but protest alone is insufficient. Just think of the three years many activists spent on Black Lives Matter versus the 1. Trump to sweep into power. It is magical thinking, and a dangerously misguided strategy, for activists to continue to act as if the masses in the streets can attain a sovereignty over their governments through a collective manifestation of the peoples general will. This may have been true in the past, but is not true today. What is to be done now American activists must move from detached indignation to revolutionary engagement. They must use the techniques that create social movements to dominate elections. The path forward is revealed in the rallying cry of the people in the streets Not My President This protest slogan is eerily similar to the one used by Spains 1. M Movement of indignados who set up anti establishment general assemblies in May of 2. No Nos Representan You Dont Represent Us during their election. Their assemblies inspired the birth of Occupy. But when the refusal of the indignados to participate in the election resulted in a shocking victory for Spains right wing, the movements activists and supporters quickly internalized an important lesson that Americans must now embrace. Realizing that new forms of social protest are better equipped to win elections than disrupt elections, many of the indignados transformed themselves into Podemos, a hybrid movement party that is now winning elections and taking power. A similar story can be told of the Pirate party in Iceland, or the 5 Star Movement in Italy or the pan European Diem. Focus on the form, not the content, of these hybrid movement parties their organizing style is the future of global protest. Concretely speaking, activists must reorient all efforts around capturing sovereignty. That means looking for places where sovereignty is lightly held and rarely contested, like rural communities. Or targeting sovereign positions of power that are not typically seen as powerful, such as soil and water district boards or port commissions. Protests will remain ineffective as long as there is no movement party capable of governing locally and nationally. This is a struggle for sovereignty. The endgame is a populist movement party that wins elections in multiple countries in order to carry out a unified agenda worldwide. The spark for this electoral movement is bound to emerge from an unexpected place. It could start from a women led backlash against the pack of patriarchs governing the globe Putin in Russia, Erdoan in Turkey, Duterte in the Philippines, Xi in China and now Trump in America. Or maybe activists will start moving into neglected rural cities low population areas of America and prepare to sweep city council elections. That is the strategy Im pursuing in Nehalem, Oregon, where I recently ran for mayor. In any case, avoid falling for the exhausting delusion of endless urban protest or the nihilistic fantasy of winning an insurrectionary war. The difficult path of merging innovative protest, social movements and electoral parties is the only viable way forward. And with only two years until the next election in America, there is no time to waste. Micah White is the author of THE END OF PROTEST. This article originally appeared at The Guardian. Tiananmen Square protests of 1. Tiananmen Square protests of 1. Part of Chinese Democracy Movement in 1. Revolutions of 1. Cold War. Tiananmen Square in 1. Date. April 1. 5 June 4, 1. Location. 40. 0 cities nationwide. Beijing. Tiananmen Square. Black Mesa No Steam. N1. 162. 33. 0E 3. N 1. 16. 3. 91. 67E 3. Coordinates 3. 95. N1. 162. 33. 0E 3. N 1. 16. 3. 91. 67E 3. Caused by. Goals. A Communist Party without corruption, with democratic reforms, freedom of the press and freedom of speech. Methods. Hunger strike, sit in, occupation of public square. Resulted in. Enforcement of martial law in certain areas of Beijing executed by force from June 3, 1. Pdf Split And Merge Ubuntu more. May 2. 0, 1. 98. 9 1. January 1. 0, 1. 99. Protesters mainly workers and rioters barricading the PLA troops and nearby civilians shot by the PLA at multiple sites excluding Tiananmen Square in Beijing, hundreds to thousands killed, thousands wounded. Uncertain reports of few and isolated deaths of protestors inside Tiananmen Square. Several soldiers killed by rioters on June 4 after civilians were killed on June 3 and June 4. Protest leaders and pro democracy activists later exiled or imprisoned. Some rioters charged with violent crimes were executed in the following months. Zhao Ziyang purged from General Secretary and Politburo. Jiang Zemin, previously Party Secretary of Shanghai, promoted to General Secretary and paramount leader. Western economic sanctions and arms embargoes on the PRCMarket reforms delayed. Media control tightened. Political reform halted. Parties to the civil conflict. Lead figures. Casualties. Deaths2. 18 civilians 1. PLA soldiers 1. 3 Peoples Armed Police official government figures. Chinese Red Cross statement1The Tiananmen Square protests of 1. China as the June Fourth Incident, were student led demonstrations in Beijing, the capital of the Peoples Republic of China, in 1. More broadly, it refers to the popular national movement inspired by the Beijing protests during that period, sometimes referred to as the 8. Democracy Movement. The protests were forcibly suppressed after the government declared martial law. In what became known in the West as the Tiananmen Square Massacre, troops with assault rifles and tanks killed at least several hundred demonstrators trying to block the militarys advance towards Tiananmen Square. The number of civilian deaths has been estimated at anywhere from hundreds to thousands. Set against a backdrop of rapid economic development and social changes in post Mao China, the protests reflected anxieties about the countrys future in the popular consciousness and among the political elite. The reforms of the 1. Common grievances at the time included inflation, limited preparedness of graduates for the new economy, and restrictions on political participation. The students called for democracy, greater accountability, freedom of the press, and freedom of speech, though they were loosely organized and their goals varied. At the height of the protests, about a million people assembled in the Square. As the protests developed, the authorities veered back and forth between conciliatory and hardline tactics, exposing deep divisions within the party leadership. By May, a student led hunger strike galvanized support for the demonstrators around the country and the protests spread to some 4. Ultimately, Chinas paramount leader Deng Xiaoping and other Communist Party elders believed the protests to be a political threat, and resolved to use force. Communist Party authorities declared martial law on May 2. Beijing. Upon realization of the Chinese governments use of force by other nations, the government was internationally condemned and criticized. Western countries imposed economic sanctions and arms embargoes. The Chinese government initially condemned the protests as a counter revolutionary riot, and criticized other nations. In the aftermath of the crackdown, the government conducted widespread arrests of protesters and their supporters, suppressed other protests around China, expelled foreign journalists and strictly controlled coverage of the events in the domestic press. The police and internal security forces were strengthened. Officials deemed sympathetic to the protests were demoted or purged. More broadly, the suppression temporarily halted the policies of liberalization in the 1. Considered a watershed event, the protests also set the limits on political expression in China well into the 2. Its memory is widely associated with questioning the legitimacy of Communist Party rule, and remains one of the most sensitive and most widely censored political topics in mainland China. In the Chinese language, the incident is most commonly known as the June Fourth Incident. Events named by date in Chinese are conventionally named by the number of the month and the date, followed by the type of event. Thus, the common Chinese name for the crackdown on the 1. June Fourth Incident, literally Six Four Incident means six, means four, means incident. The nomenclature of the former is consistent with the customary names of the other two great protests that occurred in Tiananmen Square the May Fourth Movement of 1. April Fifth Movement of 1. June Fourth refers to the day on which the Peoples Liberation Army cleared Tiananmen Square of protesters, although actual operations began on the evening of June 3. Names such as June Fourth Movement Chinese pinyin Li S Yndng and 8. Democracy Movement Chinese pinyin B Ji Mnyn are used to describe the event in its entirety. Outside mainland China, and among circles critical of the crackdown within mainland China, it is commonly referred to in Chinese as June Fourth Massacre Chinese pinyin Li S Tsh and June Fourth Crackdown Chinese pinyin Li S Zhny. To bypass internet censorship in China, which uniformly considers all the above mentioned names too Sensitive for search engines and public forums, alternative names have sprung up to describe the events on the Internet, such as May 3. VIIV Roman numerals for 6 and 4 and Eight Squared i. The government of the Peoples Republic of China have used numerous names for the event since 1. As the events were unfolding, it was labelled a counterrevolutionary riot, which was later changed to simply riot, followed by political storm, and finally the leadership settled on the more neutralized phrase political turmoil between the Spring and Summer of 1. In English, the terms Tiananmen Square Massacre, Tiananmen Square Protests or Tiananmen Square Crackdown are often used to describe the series of events. However, much of the violence did not actually happen in Tiananmen, but outside the square in the city of Beijing near the Muxidi area. The term also gives a misleading impression that demonstrations only happened in Beijing, when in fact they occurred in many cities throughout China. Examples include Chengdu from the account of Louisa Lims The Peoples Republic of Amnesia. BackgroundeditThe Cultural Revolution ended with chairman Mao Zedongs death in 1. The movement, spearheaded by Mao, caused severe damage to the countrys economic and social fabric. The country was mired in poverty as economic production slowed or came to a halt. Political ideology was paramount in the lives of ordinary people as well as the inner workings of the Communist Party itself. At the Third Plenum of the 1.