Hierarchical Data Grid View Combo Box Rating: 6,7/10 6253votes

WAI ARIA Authoring Practices 1. IntroductionThis section is informative. WAI ARIA Authoring Practices is a guide to understanding how to use WAI ARIA to create an accessible Rich Internet Application. It describes recommended WAI ARIA usage patterns and provides an introduction to the concepts behind them. This guide is one part of a suite of resources that support the WAI ARIA specification. Xceed-DataGrid-WPF-Screenshot2.png' alt='Hierarchical Data Grid View Combo Box' title='Hierarchical Data Grid View Combo Box' />The WAI ARIA suite fills accessibility gaps identified by the WAI ARIA ROADMAP. As explained in Background on WAI ARIA, languages used to create rich and dynamic web sites, e. HTML, Java. Script, CSS, and SVG, do not natively include all the features required to make sites usable by people who use assistive technologies AT or who rely on keyboard navigation. The W3. C Web Accessibility Initiatives WAI Accessible Rich Internet Applications working group ARIA WG is addressing these deficiencies through several W3. C standards efforts, with a focus on the WAI ARIA specifications. For an introduction to WAI ARIA, see the Accessible Rich Internet Applications Suite WAI ARIA Overview. With the understanding many prefer to learn from examples, the guide begins with a section that demonstrates how to make common widgets accessible with descriptions of expected behaviors supported by working code. Where it is helpful to do so, the examples refer to detailed explanations of supporting concepts in subsequent sections. The sections that follow the examples first provide background that helps build understanding of how WAI ARIA works and how it fits into the larger web technology picture. Free Burn Fat Feed Muscles on this page. Next, the guide covers general steps for building an accessible widget using WAI ARIA, Java. Script, and CSS, including detailed guidance on how to make rich internet applications keyboard accessible. The scope then widens to include the full application, addressing the page layout and structural semantics critical to enabling a usable experience with assistive technologies on pages containing both rich applications and rich documents. It includes guidance on dynamic document management, use of WAI ARIA Form properties, and the creation of WAI ARIA enabled alerts and dialogs. Storia Della Sardegna'>Storia Della Sardegna. Design Patterns and WidgetsThis section demonstrates how to make common rich internet application widgets and patterns accessible by applying WAI ARIA roles, states, and properties and implementing keyboard support. Note. Although users of Mac OS X are familiar with using the Command key instead of the Control key, the Command key is typically reserved for desktop applications and OS level integration. We have added a new module to the Grids main demo Code First. This module displays snippets used to perform basic and advanced operations on our WinForms Data. Magazine/August2005/DataGridView.gif' alt='Hierarchical Data Grid View Combo Box' title='Hierarchical Data Grid View Combo Box' />Hierarchical Data Grid View Combo BoxUntil device and platform independence can be addressed in WAI ARIA 2. Control modifier key for WAI ARIA widget interaction is specified as Control on all platforms, including Mac OS X. The following keyboard conventions are applicable to many of the patterns described in subsequent sections. Shift F1. 0 opens associated context menu. Control C Copies to clipboard Control V Pastes from clipboard Control X Copies to clipboard and cuts Control Z undo last action. Control Y Redo action. Accordion Sections With ShowHide Functionality. An accordion is a vertically stacked set of elements, such as labels or thumbnails, that allow the user to toggle the display of sections of content. KB/books/PresentDataDataGridView/Noyes_c06_img_26.jpg' alt='Hierarchical Data Grid View Combo Box' title='Hierarchical Data Grid View Combo Box' />Last month, internet service provider Cox began charging residential customers in Arizona, Louisiana, Nevada, and Oklahoma an extra 10 for every 50 gigabytes of data. Each labeling element can be expanded or collapsed to reveal or hide its associated content. Accordions are commonly used to reduce the need to scroll when presenting multiple sections of content on a single page. Xceed-DataGrid-WPF-Screenshot1.png' alt='Hierarchical Data Grid View Combo Box' title='Hierarchical Data Grid View Combo Box' />Terms for understanding accordions include Accordion Header Label for or thumbnail representing a section of content that also serves as a control for showing, and in some implementations, hiding the section of content. Accordion Panel Section of content associated with an accordion header. In some accordions, there are additional elements that are always visible adjacent to the accordion header. For instance, a menubutton may accompany each accordion header to provide access to actions that apply to that section. And, in some cases, a snippet of the hidden content may also be visually persistent. Example. Accordion Example demonstrates a form divided into three sections using an accordion to show one section at a time. Keyboard Interaction. Enter or Space. When focus is on the accordion header for a collapsed panel, expands the associated panel. If the implementation allows only one panel to be expanded, and if another panel is expanded, collapses that panel. When focus is on the accordion header for an expanded panel, collapses the panel if the implementation supports collapsing. Some implementations require one panel to be expanded at all times and allow only one panel to be expanded so, they do not support a collapse function. Down Arrow Optional If focus is on an accordion header, moves focus to the next accordion header. If focus is on the last accordion header, either does nothing or moves focus to the first accordion header. Up Arrow Optional If focus is on an accordion header, moves focus to the previous accordion header. If focus is on the first accordion header, either does nothing or moves focus to the last accordion header. Home Optional When focus is on an accordion header, moves focus to the first accordion header. Serialize Lambda Expression'>Serialize Lambda Expression. End Optional When focus is on an accordion header, moves focus to the last accordion header. Control Page Down Optional If focus is inside an accordion panel or on an accordion header, moves focus to the next accordion header. If focus is in the last accordion header or panel, either does nothing or moves focus to the first accordion header. Control Page Up Optional If focus is inside an accordion panel, moves focus to the header for that panel. If focus is on an accordion header, moves focus to the previous accordion header. If focus is on the first accordion header, either does nothing or moves focus to the last accordion header. WAI ARIA Roles, States, and Properties. The title of each accordion header is contained in an element with role button. Each accordion header button is wrapped in an element with role heading that has a value set for aria level that is appropriate for the information architecture of the page. If the native host language has an element with an implicit heading and aria level, such as an HTML heading tag, a native host language element may be used. The button element is the only element inside the heading element. That is, if there are other visually persistent elements, they are not included inside the heading element. If the accordion panel associated with an accordion header is visible, the header button element has aria expanded set to true. If the panel is not visible, aria expanded is set to false. The accordion header button element has aria controls set to the ID of the element containing the accordion panel content. If the accordion panel associated with an accordion header is visible, and if the accordion does not permit the panel to be collapsed, the header button element has aria disabled set to true. Optionally, each element that serves as a container for panel content has role. Avoid using the region role in circumstances that create landmark region proliferation, e. Role region is especially helpful to the perception of structure by screen reader users when panels contain heading elements or a nested accordion.