Install Php Apache Centos 7 Epel Rating: 7,2/10 9634votes

Centreon 2. 7. x sur Red Hat 7 Cent. OS 7. Cette article dcrit la procdure dinstallation de Centreon 2. Cette installation t ralis sur une installation fraiche de centos 7 partir de Cent. OS 7 x. 866. 4 Minimal 1. Centreon ne distribuant pas de paquets compatibles avec centosrhel 7, cette installation sera ralis partir des sources disponibles ici https download. Prparation. Mises jour et dpts additionnels. On mets jour le systme rootlocalhost yum update. On ajoute le dpt epel  rootlocalhost yum install epel release. On installe le dpt RPMforgerootlocalhost yum install wgetrootlocalhost wget http pkgs. Uvh rpmforge release 0. Here we cover the fastest, most effective way to get the PHP DOM extension installed on CentOS. If youve just found out you need to install this extension, but. Find out how to install PHP 5. PHP 5. 6 on CentOS 6 and 7 easily with yum. Step by step guide on how to do it safely LAMP is a combination of operating system and opensource software stack. The acronym of LAMP is derived from first letters of Linux, Apache HTTP Server, MySQL. Apache, PHP et Maria. DBDans centos. 7 mysql t remplac par maria. Install Php Apache Centos 7 Epel' title='Install Php Apache Centos 7 Epel' />DB. Installation de apache, php et maria. DB rootlocalhost yum install httpd php php mysql mariadb server mariadb. On lance et on configure apache et maria. DB pour se lancer au dmarrage  rootlocalhost systemctl start mariadb. On dfinit un mot de passe admin pour maria. DB  rootlocalhost mysqladmin u root password mariadbadminpasswordOn modifie le fichier etcmy. On configure le bon timezone pour PHP dans etcphp. EuropeZurichet on relance apache et mariadb pour tout prendre en compte rootlocalhost systemctl restart httpdrootlocalhost systemctl restart mariadb. Prrequis pour compilation et dpendances centreon. Linstallation partir des sources passe par la case compilation, on as donc besoin dun certains nombre doutils additionnels  rootlocalhost yum install cmake make gcc gcc c libxml. Ext. Utils Embed libssh. Dpendances centreon. Centreon a besoin des dpendances suivantes pour fonctionner  rootlocalhost mailx php pear net snmp php gd php ldap php mbstring php intl redhat lsb rrdtool perl 1. Net SNMP perl Config Ini. Files. noarch 0 2. Cration dutilisateur. Centreon a besoin de plusieurs utilisateurs pour fonctionner  centreoncentreon enginecentreon broker. Lutilisateur centreon sera cr automatiquement. Par contre il faut crer les autres la main  rootlocalhost useradd centreon enginerootlocalhost useradd centreon broker. Arborescence. Lors de linstallation de centreon web, le script install. Pour autant certains rpertoires sont absent et il faut donc les crer la main  rootlocalhost mkdir varlogcentreon enginerootlocalhost mkdir varlibcentreon enginerootlocalhost mkdir etccentreon enginerootlocalhost mkdir etccentreon brokerrootlocalhost mkdir varlibcentreon brokerrootlocalhost mkdir varlogcentreon brokerrootlocalhost chown centreon broker centreon broker varlogcentreon brokerrootlocalhost chown centreon engine centreon engine varlogcentreon enginerootlocalhost chown centreon broker centreon broker varlibcentreon brokerrootlocalhost chown centreon engine centreon engine varlibcentreon enginerootlocalhost chmod 7. Init scripts etcinit. Les installations via la compilation ne cre pas ce script de service qui est ncessaire au fonctionnement de centreon. Ce script provient dune installation de Centreon 2. Centos 6. 6 binsh. Copyright 2. 00. 9 2. Centreon. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2. License. you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at. LICENSE 2. 0. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software. License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS. WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and. License. For more information contactcentreon. Script init BEGIN INIT INFO Redhat chkconfig 7. Centreon Broker processname cbd config TOCHANGE pidfile TOCHANGE END INIT INFO Select distribution type. Configuration parameters. Check that cbd is executable. The cbd binary cant be run. Check that configuration file exists. The master file isnt found. Start cbd. Start cbd. Starting daemonname PIDsu user c cbd daemonconfig gt devnull 2 gt amp 1 amp echo RETVAL RETVAL 0 thenecho PID gt pidfiletouch lockfilesuccess cbd startupelseglobalretval RETVALfailure cbd startupfiechofidonereturn globalretvalstartone grep 1 space masterfile amp gt devnullif Daemon is not foundreturn 1filinegrep 1 space masterfiledaemonnamecbdecho line awk print 1 daemonconfigconfigdirecho line awk print 2 runningecho line awk print 3 pidfilepidpathdaemonname. Daemon is set to not runningreturn 1fi Start cbd. Starting daemonname PIDsu user c cbd daemonconfig gt devnull 2 gt amp 1 amp echo RETVAL RETVAL 0 thenecho PID gt pidfiletouch lockfilesuccess cbd startupelseglobalretval RETVALfailure cbd startupfiecho Stop cbd. Stopping daemonname killproc p pidfile d stoptimeout cbdRETVAL RETVAL 0 thenrm f pidfilesuccess cbd shutdownelsefailure cbd shutdownfiechofidoneremainingcbd0cat masterfile grep v while read line dodaemonnamecbdecho line awk print 1 pidfilepidpathdaemonname. Install EPEL repository using the yum command in the following way yum y install epelrelease. Now we can install Nginx web server on the system. How to install latest apache on CentOS How to configure it and do basic hardening Full tutorial covers installation and setup httpd on CentOS. An awesome article to setup Laravel 5 PHP Framework with LAMP Stack on CentOS 7 and Ubuntu 15. The site for people who want to establish the Network Server with CentOS, Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian. The CentOS 6 repositories has PHP 5. To keep up with the latest features and security updates, install newer PHP 7 on CentOS 6. In this article, Im going to show you how to upgrade PHP 5. PHP 5. 6 on CentOS 6. This article assumes you have a stock installation of CentOS, and that you. Best Psp Game Site here. Daemon is not foundreturn 1filinegrep 1 space masterfiledaemonnamecbdecho line awk print 1 daemonconfigconfigdirecho line awk print 2 runningecho line awk print 3 pidfilepidpathdaemonname. Daemon is set to not runningreturn 1fiecho n Stopping daemonname killproc p pidfile d stoptimeout cbdRETVAL RETVAL 0 thenrm f pidfileremainingcbd0cat masterfile grep v while read line dodaemonnamecbdecho line awk print 1 pidfilepidpathdaemonname. Send kill HUPreloadall cat masterfile grep v while read line dodaemonnamecbdecho line awk print 1 daemonconfigconfigdirecho line awk print 2 runningecho line awk print 3 reloadecho line awk print 4 pidfilepidpathdaemonname. Reloading daemonname killproc p pidfile cbd HUPRETVALRETVAL 0 thensuccess cbd reloadelsefailure cbd reloadfiechofidone Check status on one daemonstatusone grep 1 space masterfile amp gt devnullif Daemon is not foundreturn 1filinegrep 1 space masterfiledaemonnamecbdecho line awk print 1 runningecho line awk print 3 pidfilepidpathdaemonname. Daemon is set to not runningreturn 1fistatus p pidfile cbdreturn Statusstatusall cat masterfile grep v while read line dodaemonnamecbdecho line awk print 1 daemonconfigconfigdirecho line awk print 2 runningecho line awk print 3 pidfilepidpathdaemonname. Switch case. case 1 instartif n 2 thenstartone 2. RETVAL elsestartall. RETVAL fi stopif n 2 thenstopone 2. RETVAL elsestopall.